Showing 41 - 60 of 985 results. Page: 3 of 50
# Name Origin Meaning Save

41 Sachman Sikh True at heart F
42 Sachpreet Sikh The true love, the love of god F
43 Sadbh Irish Good. F
44 Sadducees Biblical Followers of Sadoc, or Zadok. F
45 Sadhbba Irish Wise. F
46 Sadhbh Irish Wise. F
47 Sadhika Sikh Tolerance F
48 Sadie English Diminutive of Sarah: princess; or Mercedes: mercy. F
49 Sadie Hebrew Diminutive of Sarah: Princess. F

50 Sadie Spanish Diminutive of Mercedes: Mercy. Derived from one of the Spanish titles for the Virgin Mary (Maria de las Mercedes). F
51 Sadiqa Muslim Truthful. Sincere.. F
52 Sadira Arabic Ostrich running from water. F
53 Sadira Persian Dreamy. F
54 Saeth Welsh Arrow. F
55 Saeunn Norse Mother of Bergthora. F
56 Safa Arabic Innocent. F
57 Safa Muslim Clarity. Purity. Serenity.. F
58 Saffi Danish Wise. F
59 Saffi Greek Wise. F
60 Saffir Welsh Sapphire. F
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