Popular Norse names for girls and boys

Showing 61 - 80 of 906 results. Page: 4 of 46
# Name Origin Meaning Save

61 Asbjom Norse Divine bear. M
62 Asdis Norse Divine spirit. F
63 Ase Norse Tree. F
64 Asgard Norse Mythical city of the gods. M
65 Asgaut Norse A mythical divine Goth. M
66 Asgeir Norse Spear of the gods. M
67 Asgerd Norse Spear of the gods. M
68 Asgrim Norse In Njal's saga the chieftain of Tongue. M
69 Ashild Norse God fighting. F

70 Ashilda Norse God fighting. F
71 Ashilde Norse God fighting. F
72 Ask Norse From the ash tree. M
73 Askel Norse Son of Dufniall. M
74 Askell Norse Son of Dufniall. M
75 Aslak Norse A supporter of Thorgest. M
76 Aslaug Norse Devoted to God. F
77 Asolf Norse A kinsman of Jorund. M
78 Asrod Norse Husband of Asvor. M
79 Asta Norse Tree. F
80 Astlyr Norse Divine strength. F
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