Popular Irish names for girls and boys

Showing 1741 - 1760 of 1786 results. Page: 88 of 90
# Name Origin Meaning Save

1741 Torin Irish Chief. Variant of Torrence: from the craggy hills. M
1742 Torion Irish Variant of Torrence: from the craggy hills. M
1743 Tormaigh Irish Thunder spirit. M
1744 Tormey Irish Thunder spirit. M
1745 Torran Irish Variant of Torrence: from the craggy hills. M
1746 Torrance Irish From the knolls. M
1747 Torrans Irish From the knolls. M
1748 Torrence Irish Variant of Torrence: from the craggy hills. M
1749 Torrey Irish 'From the craggy hills.'. M

1750 Torrian Irish Variant of Torrence: from the craggy hills. M
1751 Tory Irish From the knolls. M
1752 Toryn Irish Chief. M
1753 Traigh Irish Strand. M
1754 Treabhar Irish Prudent. M
1755 Treacy Irish Fighter. M
1756 Treasa Irish Strong. F
1757 Treasach Irish Fighter. M
1758 Treasigh Irish Fighter. M
1759 Treise Irish Strong. F
1760 Trevor Irish Prudent. M
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