Popular English names for girls and boys

Showing 6661 - 6680 of 6706 results. Page: 334 of 336
# Name Origin Meaning Save

6661 Wynne English Feminine form of Wynn: Friend. F
6662 Wynston English From Wine's farm. M
6663 Wynter English Born in the winter. M
6664 Wynthrop English From Wine's estate. M
6665 Wynton English Friend. Surname. M
6666 Wynward English From Wine's forest. M
6667 Wynwode English From Wine's forest. M
6668 Wyoh English From the US state name Wyoming. Famous bearer: Wyoming Knott, character in Robert Heinlein's "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress". F
6669 Wyoming English From the US state name Wyoming. Famous bearer: Wyoming Knott, character in Robert Heinlein's "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress". F

6670 Wyrttun English From the vegetable farm. M
6671 Wystan English Battle stone. M
6672 Wyth English From the willow tree. M
6673 Wythe English From the willow tree. M
6674 Xandra English Defender of mankind. Feminine of Alexander. F
6675 Yale English From the slope land. M
6676 Yardley English From the enclosed meadow. M
6677 Yardly English From the enclosed meadow. M
6678 Yates English Lives by the gates. M
6679 Yedda English Beautiful voice. F
6680 Yeoman English Retainer. M
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